About the Role
Day program Case Manager (CM) Joennica F. says, “As a Case Manager, I help our consumers to create their goals and achieve them as they attend our program.”
CM Jacob A. describes a “typical day” for him in this position as: “Typical mornings here start with making a pot of coffee, setting up the umbrella and benches for my morning clients. Next would be to pass out our daily schedules to our staff and to direct the clients into their assigned clubs and vans for community integration. The days here are always filled with music, cooking, sports and fitness, laughter, and friendships. My other duties would be to conduct annual meetings with clients and their support systems, to determine goals and track progress for our clients, write up annual reports/plans and make sure our clients are being served in the best way possible. As Case Managers we ensure the safety and well-being of our clients when they are at program or our in the community. I love my job and I love what I do for our clients here.”
SVS also supports clients with Independent Visions (IV) through Independent Living and Supported Living Services. Both services are dedicated to helping their clients live as independently as possible in the setting and community of their choice. IV CM Ann C. has this to say about her role, “Our program focuses on assisting SVS clientele that live independently in the community. We assist them with activities of daily living (ADLs) to teach them how to manage living on their own. A typical workday for me is lined up with advocating through interactions with state and federal agencies, medical, mental health and dental service that offer services to enable our clients to have a wonderful quality of life.”
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