Getting To, From and Around with SVS Services
In addition to providing transportation to and from community locations, SVS Day Programs may be funded by Regional Centers to provide door to door transportation services for clients who need it. We are proud of our large (over 800 cars and vans) fleet of regular and wheelchair accessible vehicles and of our transportation staff. All SVS drivers must complete an extensive off and on-road training and testing program before they become a part of our driving team. At SVS, lack of transportation need never be a barrier to accessing services.
SVS offers 3 residences for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities. The homes provide family style living for 3 to 4 persons that are located in attractive communities in Southern California. We strive to blend and become a part of the neighborhoods we are in. SVS staff provide 24-hour supervision and engaging activity for all its residents. Real life experience and successful immersion within the local community support lead to a full and exciting lifestyle. Residents are provided training and assistance with communication, self-advocacy, self –care, independent thinking and recreation.
Individual Service Plans are personalized and developed with input from our residents, their family, friends and support staff.
Consultants are used to support the program with assessments, goal planning and staff and client training.
All three SVS homes are licensed and monitored by Community Care Licensing (CCL) and funded by Regional Center.
At SVS, we know that if we all work together, then success takes care of itself!